It’s happened to all of us. We plan the trip of a lifetime down to every detail. Wait anxiously for the departure date. Pack perfectly. Wade through airport madness. Land in our dream destination. Navigate our way to the hotel…and crash like a toddler coming down from a sugar rush. Jet lag – what a concept.
Jet lag touches everyone to differing degrees and there are many ways to manage its impact, both before and during your journey. It’s all about helping your body clock adjust to your destination’s time zone as quickly as possible.
Rest Up and Water Down
A few days prior to departure, be sure to get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. Proper hydration is key to healthy travel, especially when long flights are involved. Avoid caffeine like the plague before you leave and while inflight, indulging yourself upon arrival. As our dear friend and travel partner, Samantha Brown states: “When I arrive in the country and start feeling like a bag of cement, that’s when I head to the nearest cafe and order a double espresso.”

Getting some sleep on the plane will go a long way toward prepping your body for the time change. Create a comfortable environment for rest with a travel blanket and pillow, along with a hydrating nasal spray to ward off dryness and germs. If sleep evades you, try a gentle and natural remedy to help you nod off. Upon arrival, do your best not to sleep until around 8:00pm to avoid an o-dark-hundred wake up call. The first day will be the toughest, but if you trudge through, the rest of your trip will benefit. Repeat the same process for your journey home to ensure positive re-entry to your daily lifestyle.
For additional tips and tricks, check out Samantha Brown and Fodor’s. Safe and restful travels to you.

Have your own Jet Lag remedies? Share in the comments below!
The post Jet Lag Avoidance 101 appeared first on TravelSmith: TravelCenter.